How can I contribute to Open-Stream?


Intro to article

Open-Stream is your one-stop-shop application for connecting devices to cloud computing services, from both external providers or to access your local pc from a plethora of device options. It offers up to 4K resolution at up to 120 frames-per-second streaming. Open-Stream is a low latency open-source streaming client, based on open source technologies such as Moonlight and Sunshine Game Stream Host.

Open-Stream is a wholly open source project, with no obligations on donations or obligatory contributions of any kind. Commercial Organizations and individuals alike will have access to full features without any restrictions being placed. This includes H.265, H.264, and VP9 support with the use of different applications on the different operating systems, in addition to Android and Apple compatibility. This project is free to use and will remain free, in order to make this program as accessible as possible, so like-minded organizations and individuals with a passion for cloud computing can use this program without any limitations or restrictions. However, as the nature of the business is based around an open-source approach, there will be a need for funding methods to be available in order to provide ongoing improvements and maintenance that will be integral to the ongoing growth of this project, thereby ensuring that open-steam remains up to date with the ability to match any ongoing advances in the cloud computing and gaming scene. The Team behind Open-Stream has come up with a few methods where Organizations and individuals can contribute both directly through certification and advertisements, and indirectly through the use of Crypto mining.

Ad-Based revenue model

The Ad-Based revenue model will allow businesses to bid for a placement on the website and the program’s binary code, with easy activation and set up. This will be a way in which organizations can promote their services and reach a wide audience. The exposure that organizations can expect is substantial, as cloud gaming is a hot commodity in recent times, and this model will allow organizations to target a broad spectrum of consumers, while also contributing greatly to the continued maintenance and improvement of this project.

Certification business Model

The Certification business Model is also a method in which businesses can purchase certification in order to be listed on the Website and the binary packages. This model is geared towards cloud gaming providers and would provide a similar level of reach and exposure to the ad-based method. This is a feature that will also be beneficial for users of Open-Stream, as they will be able to find suitable cloud gaming services that they can use conjunctively with this project. The certification fee is still to be decided; however, any updates will be posted when available. These models will be implemented in a non-intrusive manner where possible with the ability to disable such ads if the user wishes to do so.

Crypto Mining Model

Other methods of contribution can come in many forms, both monetary or by actions such as running a Crypto miner when your machine is idle. Users will be able to donate any amount to this project including cryptocurrency, however, small will be greatly appreciated and will contribute to the longevity of this project. This form of voluntary donation will also be immortalized on the Open-Stream website through the listing of names of users who have donated, which is a small gesture that we hope will show our gratitude for your shared vision regarding this project and your support which cannot be thanked enough. In terms of the ability to donate with resources such as Crypto mining is still up for discussion and exact details on how to contribute in this way will be disclosed when it is thoroughly thought out.

The methods of generating funding that has been discussed in this article are still liable to change, as this project is still within its early stage of development. However, Open-Stream would like to be as transparent as possible on the matter of fundraising, as the methods written above are methods that have been discussed as options internally. This project is a huge undertaking and will need the support of everyone involved and the cloud gaming community at large, both through funding and other contributions. The vision of creating an open-sourced streaming client which is both easy to adopt and use, while also being feature-rich is the ultimate goal, and something that Open-Stream believe is wholly attainable with the support of the cloud gaming community and with the current experience at hand. Please join us into making the vision of Open-Stream a reality, and together this service can change cloud computing and gaming as we know it!

Written by: Bobby M

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